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The Practice: Maya Abdominal Massage

The Arvigo Techiques of Maya Abdominal Massage (ATMAM) are founded on the ancient Mayan technique of abdominal massage which is an external, non invasive massage using only hands to reposition the internal abdominal and pelvic organs that have shifted and as a result, restrict the flow of blood, lymph, nerve impulses and energy (qi).

The technique works by relieving congestion and blockages that improve the flow of qi and fluids of the circulatory, lymphatic and nervous systems, thereby preventing the symptoms to progress to chronic disease. Organ function is improved by the release of physical and also emotional congestion from the abdomen.

The work is best known for correcting a prolapsed or tipped uterus. As with any other natural healing modality, Arvigo Techniques support the body's inherent healing ability to self regulate and self-heal, referred to as homeostasis or balance. These techniques are offered as a supportive modality to enhance health and wellness, and are not meant as an entire approach to health care. If you have any serious medical conditions, please consult your health care provider first. This being said, it is reported that many common health care symptoms are alleviated by these techniques.

The uterus is the woman's center. If her uterus is not in proper position she will be
physically, emotionally and spiritually out of balance

Don Elijio Panti

What are the causes of a displaced uterus?

  • Repeated pregnancies close together with difficult deliveries.
  • Lifting and carrying heavy burdens before or during menstruation and too soon after childbirth.
  • Carrying young children on the hip for prolonged periods of time.
  • Injury to the sacrum or tailbone from a fall, a severe blow or car accidents.
  • Pelvic ligaments that have weakened due to over stretching during pregnancy and birth.
  • Running on cement surfaces.
  • Wearing high heeled shoes for long periods of time.
  • A career in high impact dancing, aerobics, sports or exercise.
  • Chronic constipation.
  • Aging and the pull of gravity on ligaments.
  • Past abdominal surgeries.
  • Chronic muscle spasms around the low back and sacrum.
  • Weak pelvic floor muscles.
  • Emotional armoring from rape, sexual abuse, or incest at anytime in your life.

What are the symptoms of a displaced uterus?

  • Menstrual symptoms:
    Painful periods or irregular periods, dark thick blood at the onset or end of menstruation, excessive bleeding and clots during menses, headache or migraine with menses and PMS.
  • Ovulatory symptoms:
    Failure to ovulate, irregular ovulation, or painful ovulation.
  • Pregnancy related symptoms:
    Difficulty getting pregnant/infertility, chronic miscarriages, premature deliveries, weak newborn infants, difficult pregnancy.
  • Urinary symptoms:
    Frequent urination, incontinence, bladder infections.
  • Circulatory symptoms:
    Varicose veins of the legs, hemorrhoids; tired weak legs, numb legs and feet, especially while standing.
  • Musculoskeletal symptoms:
    Sore heels when walking, low back ache.
  • Symptoms of Congestion:
    Endometriosis, uterine polyps, uterine fibroids, uterine infections, vaginal yeast infections, vaginitis, painful intercourse, undiagnosed pelvic pain.
  • Other symptoms:
    Constipation, difficult menopause, cancer of the cervix, uterus or colon

How does this technique work for women?

This external massage gently lifts and guides the uterus into its optimal position in the lower pelvis. The uterus is held in position by over 10 ligaments, which when stressed or strained cause the uterus to become mal-positioned. If the uterus is mal-positioned, women experience a multitude of symptoms.

Is Maya Abdominal Massage (MAM) recommended for all women?

Almost every woman, even those who have had hysterectomies, can benefit from this uterine massage. In the case of how it can help a woman who has had a hysterectomy, the technique improves circulation in and around the area of the scar and allows for proper flow of lymphatic fluid, which often becomes blocked after surgery, resulting in swelling, burning and deep aching pains in the pelvis.

How does Maya Abdominal Massage help with digestion?

We hold anxieties and emotions in our body's tissues and organs, and a common place is in the organs of the digestive system. Have you ever had "butterflies in your stomach?" Well, those butterflies can lead to constipation, indigestion, heartburn, gastritis, and eventually to Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Gastro Esophageal Reflux (GERD), Crohn's Disease, and more.

Stresses and negative emotions cause the small intestine and colon to be “twisted or kinked” leading to blockages in the flow of peristalsis. Surrounding fascia creates adhesions that mal-position organs and impede proper blood flow and enzyme secretions.

Maya abdominal massage helps to break down facial adhesions, scar tissue and removes any "kinks" in the digestive tract. Often there is a dramatic improvement after just one session when combined with proper diet and self-care.

Contraindications: This massage is not recommended under certain conditions:

  • During active menstruation, or up to five days before.
  • If you are in the first trimester of pregnancy with a history of miscarriage.
  • Within the first 6 weeks following a normal vaginal delivery.
  • Within the first 3 months after a cesarean section.
  • IUD (Intra-Uterine Device) for contraception is present.
  • Active infection or cancer is present or suspected anywhere in the pelvis, or the client is undergoing chemotherapy.
  • Hiatal Hernia — gentle touch only.
  • Immediately after abdominal surgery.

What to expect on your first visit

  • Your first session will last approximately 2 hours.
  • There will be a comprehensive review of your personal history & health care needs.
  • The massage will address three primary areas of concern: the mid/lower back and sacrum (which improves the flow of fluids and nerve impulses to the abdomen); the lower abdominal area or pelvis; and the upper abdominal area.
  • The sessions will also include Swedish Massage, deep tissue and/or craniosacral therapy according to your needs.
  • You will learn how to do your own "self care" massage. This is a self-empowering massage performed daily by you in less than ten minutes. These self-care techniques bring healing as well as self-awareness to your process.
  • We will discuss lifestyle and dietary changes that may enhance the effect of treatment.
  • Follow-up care: Depending on your individual goals and the results of treatments, you can expect to need from 2 to 4 treatments or more. The first follow-up treatment will be scheduled for 60 minutes. In addition to the massage, we will also continue to consult on lifestyle and dietary changes that may enhance the effect of your treatment.

For more information on Maya Abdominal Massage, please go to www.arvigomassage.com.

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